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How To Use Loud Budgeting Effectively

You’ve probably heard a few people talking about loud budgeting on social media. For many users, it’s a new trend that makes it cool to say “No” to overspending. Here’s a quick introduction to the subject. Later, we’ll talk about how you can be a little louder with your finances.

Where Loud Budgeting Comes From

“Loud budgeting,” as people currently know it, emerged as a social media trend in December 2023. A user on TikTok, Lukas Battle, proposed an idea to be upfront and explicit about one’s desire to not spend money impulsively.

The concept seems to oppose another trend, “quiet luxury,” showing off one’s wealth in understated ways.

In its simplest form, loud budgeting is telling others that you don’t feel like spending money right now. Battle’s initial example involves turning down an invitation to hang out with friends because it would waste gas.

Loud budgeting is also a constructive exercise in strengthening interpersonal relationships. It proposes easing up on overspending and setting boundaries amongst friends and family when purchasing. The goal is to let others know what you are willing to spend or skip. On top of that, it can also instill confidence in someone trying out a more frugal lifestyle.

Advantages of Loud Budgeting

The ability to say “No” to frivolous spending certainly has its advantages, especially if someone is recovering from the busy holiday season and is preparing to file taxes. Loud budgeting may be a way to recalibrate priorities and regain control over individual finances.

There are some immediate benefits to being upfront about your spending limits. They include:

  • Saves money: The standout advantage of loud budgeting is that it helps you save money and work towards your priorities. The point of loud budgeting is to reduce overspending, encourage saving, and stick to a budget. For instance, money that doesn’t go to ordering takeout is money that can go to your emergency fund or a long-term goal.


  • Encourages accountability: Do you remember saying you’d go on a diet or exercise more often? You might find that making significant lifestyle changes can be challenging if you’re doing these things alone. Like using a calorie counter app or finding a gym buddy, telling your friend what you do or don’t want to spend money on can help you stay accountable.


  • Builds community: There’s a good chance your peers live through a similar economic landscape as you. Therefore, it always helps to lift one another up. When everyone in your circle is comfortable discussing finances, finding alternatives to expensive nights out may become more accessible.

Precautions Related To Loud Budgeting

As with many social media trends, loud budgeting does come with a few pitfalls. While the practice encourages frugality and being more open about discussing finances, it can quickly get out of hand. Before you start, here are a few things to remember.

  • Loud budgeting shouldn’t lead to deprivation. Financial professionals have observed that the practice is meant to cut down on impulse purchases and instead focus on what an individual values the most. Refusing to buy anything might leave you with very few options—and might encourage you to relapse on your spending.


  • Be considerate of what you share. “Oversharing” can quickly alienate you from your circles, especially if you reject every invitation to hang out with friends. Remember that this practice has a “budgeting” component: if you’ve set aside a sufficient amount of money every month for leisure, then you should have a baseline of what you’re willing to spend on social outings.


  • Center the practice on the act of budgeting itself. Although loud budgeting started as a social media trend, remember why such a practice was brought up in the first place.

All in all, your finances are a personal matter. Only share your decisions within reason. Likewise, let your peers decide what they are comfortable with and what they are willing to share. Loud budgeting isn’t just about setting boundaries—it involves respecting the boundaries of others, too.

Putting Loud Budgeting Into Practice

Now that we’ve covered the basics of loud budgeting, how might you apply it to your daily life? For starters, you can always return to your budget and see how your finances are doing.

Focus on the discretionary portion of your budget, as that is the part that should be the most fluid. Regain familiarity with how much you’re willing to spend and adapt your behaviors from there.

Now that you have a baseline try these strategies:

  • Be clear to your peers when sharing: If you’re turning down an invitation to go out to eat, you might come off as rude if you say, “I won’t spend money this weekend.” Instead, giving a simple reason can help your friends understand the situation.

    Maybe you are trying to rebuild an emergency fund or are being more aggressive about student loan payments. Being open (within reason) can go a long way toward making loud budgeting a constructive experience for everyone.

  • Offer alternatives: Being social is integral to our shared experiences. If you wish to hang out but need to stick to your budget, let your friends know how much you are willing to spend.

    See if there are other things you can do that cost less, or try negotiating splitting a bill. For instance, if you’re doing a cookout, see if everyone is comfortable splitting the costs on things like food, refreshments, and supplies.


  • Practice what you say: Aside from sharing your budgeting journey, take this time to minimize other potential avenues for impulse purchases. Often, the things we do in the background make the most significant difference. Unlink your credit card from online retailers to reduce the temptation of instant gratification. Delete food delivery apps to make takeout a less appealing option.
Loud budgeting is one of the many tools you can use to remain accountable and stay on track with your finances. First Florida has resources on saving and budgeting tips. Explore our website to learn more about how you can make saving a part of your daily life.


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